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[Chatlog / The Server That Shall Not Be Named]

StarShatters: so do you remember anything

AceSpades: Well, I was walking to the mailboxes at my apt complex and I got hit in the back of the damn head.

AceSpades: That’s all I remember.

StarShatters: go to the manager to see if they have security footage or something

StarShatters: so long as youre okay obviously

AceSpades: Yeah, I’m alright and that’s probably a good idea.

terminallyContagious: Is it just me, or does shit seem to have hit the fan?

ThrowingAwayMyShot: At high velocity.

AceSpades: Fuck.

StarShatters: what happened ace

AceSpades: Turns out I’m far from the only one having a problem right now.

StarShatters: how so

AceSpades: The apartment complex manager is chewing out these three fuckboys, two of them look injured.

AceSpades: Apparently one of them stole something from some dude named Ross, and he and some of his friends decided to get some payback.

StarShatters: what, like THAT ross?

NoTalkMeIAngy: what are you TALKING ABOUT noah

StarShatters: oh shit im talking like you now caroline ;)

StarShatters: anyway this dude i went to middle with

StarShatters: well known for getting in fights, getting suspended, all that shit

StarShatters: apparently now they call him Terror Rossy or something like that

AceSpades: yep

AceSpades: We’re definitely talking about the same dude, someone just mentioned that nickname.

StarShatters: i mean everyone knew not to fuck with that guy

StarShatters: maybe he had it out for you for some reason?

AceSpades: I doubt it, I’d never even heard of him before.

AceSpades: BRB I’ll update you once I have more info

StarShatters: okay

NoTalkMeIAngy: @StarShatters fuck you

StarShatters: ;)

terminallyContagious: jesus fuck. get a damn room, you two

ThrowingAwayMyShot: ^

>NoTalkMeIAngy left the server.

StarShatters: dammit guys look what you did

ThrowingAwayMyShot: To be fair to my wonderfully socially inept friend here, he was surprisingly totally correct about the course of action that ought to have been taken in this situation.

terminallyContagious: Surprisingly???

ThrowingAwayMyShot: Take the compliement, miscreant.

StarShatters: @terminallyContagious if you try to wingman me again im blocking you

terminallyContagious: ok I won’t but that wasn’t even what I was doing lmao

StarShatters: @ThrowingAwayMyShot you arent helping

ThrowingAwayMyShot: But of course, I only want what is best for my dear sister, despite her… temper issues.

StarShatters: thanks for the sibling endorsement theo but youre kinda just pissing her off more

ThrowingAwayMyShot: But of course, twins have a documented tendency to engage in such a thing.

StarShatters: eh fair enough

AceSpades: new information

StarShatters: spill

AceSpades: So the events went like this, as far as I can tell: Thing #2 gets into a shouting match with Ross at 7/11 at approximately 11 PM last night. Thing #1 goes in to steal his headphones, for some fucking reason I don’t know I’m not that kinda dumbass. Thing #3 revs up his car to get the other two out of there. Then at 5 pm, Ross and this one other guy beat the door lock on Thing #1’s apartment open. They fight, Ross gets his headphones by smacking Thing #1 in the face, Thing #2 punches the other guy but breaks his damn fingers.

AceSpades: They’re calling a fucking ambulance this is so stupid. Anyway, Ross and the other guy immediately book it out of there. Thing #3 is now pissed at the other two because Ross keyed his car while he was being the getaway driver for the other two dumbasses.

StarShatters: do you know their names

AceSpades: I refuse to.

StarShatters: so it was ross that attacked you

AceSpades: Probably, but it doesn’t seem right to me.

StarShatters: hmm

AceSpades: I mean, I wasn’t involved in that incident. Hell if I’d walk into a 7/11 willingly. Also, who was the person trolling us?

StarShatters: i mean it might have been ross fucking with us

StarShatters: i was in a discord server he pulled a long con on once it was a wild ride

StarShatters: he pretended to be a 12 year old girl to mess with one of the mods who was probably a nonce. the guy asked for pictures and then ross leaked the dms, but only ross got banned ‘for violating discord terms of service’

terminallyContagious: Wait, really?

StarShatters: yeah true story

terminallyContagious: What happened to the server after that?

StarShatters: i left obviously

terminallyContagious: oh
