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[Chatlog / The Gutter Rats]

RosswoodMac: hey fuckups

RosswoodMac: look at this shit

RosswoodMac: [Image of a parked car, with an odd pink-and-green paint job including hearts and other odd abstract drawings]

RosswoodMac: uglass fucking car

RosswoodMac: im finna key it

Camikat: RaĆ­so I swear to god.

RosswoodMac: bitch

RosswoodMac: i dont remember asking you shit ya pink haired ninny

Camikat: That is my fucking car.

M4r13tj13: What

RosswoodMac: LMFAO

RosswoodMac: that whole ass car looks like an acid trip

RosswoodMac: and why the fuck are you in preppyfuckborhood

Camikat: None of your fuwucking business uwu~

RosswoodMac: ok ima key it now

Camikat: You will find youwself dead in a ditch such that the powoice will not be able to identify youw bowody uwu

M4r13tj13: Jesus christ cami calm the fuck down

RosswoodMac: i was just fucking with you cami i love ya

Camikat: ~owokiedokie!~

EarthWindFire: I…

EarthWindFire: What possessed you

EarthWindFire: to think

EarthWindFire: that that paint job

EarthWindFire: looked good, at all?

RosswoodMac: beats me maybe she was off some jeff shit

Amisi: @Camikat that horrendous art would get you shot in motherland


[Chatlog / Bee’s Hive (Wasps Only)]

AceSpades: New name time.

terminallyContagious: Not this shit again

AceSpades: Suggestions?

terminallyContagious: Box of Screaming Cats?

AceSpades: No.

NoTalkMeIAngy: five WEEBS and a fucking PIG

AceSpades: Perfect.

>@AceSpades has changed the server name to Five Weebs and a Pig

StarShatters: ndoawudnawkdjnawdkljbawd!!!

terminallyContagious: idk maybe JANTCK?

NoTalkMeIAngy: the FUCK

AceSpades: Is that supposed to be a RWBY team name or something?

terminallyContagious: Yeah.

terminallyContagious: (J)onathan Kretz (A)cerola Spades (N)oah Starbury (T)heodore Hill (C)aroline Hill (K)arl Lightman

NoTalkMeIAngy: If you’re going to be EXTRA, at least do it CORRECTLY

NoTalkMeIAngy: Also you made YOURSELF the leader.

NoTalkMeIAngy: Like uhh


NoTalkMeIAngy: Noah (S)tarbury, Karl (L)ightman, (A)cerola Spades, (C)aroline Hill, Jonathan (K)retz, (T)heodore Hill

StarShatters: you made me the leader?!!!

StarShatters: how sweet!!


>@AceSpades has muted @NoTalkMeIAngy for 60 minutes: quit being a bitch

AceSpades: Enough of that for a while.

StarShatters: aw she was about to admit her feelings

AceSpades: Do not push her please, she can still read the chat.

ThrowingAwayMyShot: While my absolutely wonderful sister is silenced by the austentatious use of administrator priviledges,

ThrowingAwayMyShot: I would like to postulate that both of you were, in truth, dramatically missing the point.

terminallyContagious: how so?

ThrowingAwayMyShot: I have only watched the series a few times, but this much is clear to me; the names of characters and teams are precisely crafted to evoke a chromatic postulation.

StarShatters: sorry my theo-to-english software is broke today

terminallyContagious: I think they’re trying to say it’s supposed to be a color or make you think of a color.

ThrowingAwayMyShot: Precisely.

terminallyContagious: but what would you suggest theo?

ThrowingAwayMyShot: Hmm…

ThrowingAwayMyShot: ALKCNT (pronounced ‘ablicant’)

ThrowingAwayMyShot: (A)cerola Spades, Karl (L)ightman, Jonathan (K)retz, (C)aroline Hill, (N)oah Starbury, (T)heo Hill

terminallyContagious: Ablicant?

AceSpades: Google says “albicant (not comparable) (rare) Growing or becoming white.”

ThrowingAwayMyShot: It fulfills all the requirements. It is evocative of a color, it has the leader’s name word-initially, and it sounds cool.

terminallyContagious: Yeah I like that.

StarShatters: that is hype

DetectiveProfessorK: Did I Miss Something?

DetectiveProfessorK: Why Is the Server Now Called “Five Weebs and a Pig”

DetectiveProfessorK: I Would Assume That I Am The “Pig”?

terminallyContagious: ig that matches up with kara’s humor

DetectiveProfessorK: Did We Not Just Eight Hours Ago Have the Favorite Anime Conversation Where I Mentioned That My Favorite Anime Is Death Note.

terminallyContagious: lmfao is her memory that shortterm

NoTalkMeIAngy: do NOT subtweet me I AM RIGHT HERE

terminallyContagious: sorry

StarShatters: this isn’t twitter?!!!!! tf?!!!

NoTalkMeIAngy: grrr

StarShatters: …did you just growl at me through text?

AceSpades: @NoTalkMeIAngy calm down or the next click I make is a kick.

ThrowingAwayMyShot: Poetry.

NoTalkMeIAngy: Okay FINE.
