
La kolekto da Väidlugo.



Reference Material

Saluto la retejo da la konstrüa lugo “Väidlugo”

Welcome to the website of the constructed language “Väidlugo”

Common Phrases

English Väidlugo
Hello! Saluto! (lit. “Greeting!”)
Goodbye! Malsaluto! (lit. “Un-Greeting”)
Thanks!, That’s Nice! Marubo! (lit. “Strawberry!”)
You’re Welcome!, No Problem! Ahabo! (lit. “Blueberry!”)

Sample Text

Väidluga Largvortkolekto: Saluto! Mu kelesi la väidluga lugo. Mu kekreidi mua una larguvortukolekto väidluga. Mu keparli na flüe Väidlugo, sedu mu kelesi la lugo. Mu keesperi ka la kreidanto da Väidlugo dixati eta larguvortukolekto, j ka kuva eta larguvortukolekto mu dihaväi Parlanto Flüa.


Väidlugo paragraph: Greetings! I am learning Väidlugo. I am creating my one Väidlugo paragraph. I do not speak Väidlugo fluently, but I am learning the language. I hope that the creator of Väidlugo will like this paragraph, and that with this paragraph I will have the Fluent Speaker role.


Väidlugo was started in April 2018 as a fun project to make an esperantido with more international vocabulary and simpler phonology.

This language borrows vocabulary from many different languages, and the reasons for certain borrowings are sometimes arbitrary, and not always based on language size.

Version 1.0, or Proto-Väidlugo, laid the foundations of the phonology and vocabulary. It began development on April 11, and became obsolete on May 16.

Version 1.1, or Nova Väidlugo, simplified the orthography and phonology greatly by: Removing Digraphs Making the language phonographemic (i.e. each symbol has one sound) Defining the glottal stop as phonemic. 1.1 started on May 16 and became obsolete on May 17.

Version 1.2, also known as Sarja Väidlugo, took the language in a different direction. It added the “Sarcastic Mood,” along with five new accented letters to use in sarcastic situations. The only remnant of this change in 1.3+ is “sare” which is an adverb used to denote a sarcastic sentence. 1.2 started on May 17 and ended on July 11.

Version 1.3, “Novakreido Väidlugo” was created as a wholesale reform of both the mood system and the phonology. It removed the mood system and merged /f~v~w/ and /s~z/, and also added multiple words from Mandarin. 1.3 started on July 11 and became obsolete with 2.0 on August 9.

Version 2.0 was started on August 7 and released August 9th. It removes the apostrophe and removes the glottal stop as a phoneme. It also borrows more vocabulary from languages not seen in Väidlugo before. It became obsolete on September 15th.

Version 2.1 was released on September 15th. It simplified consonant clusters and added new vocabulary.


Translation of “I kissed a girl”

Mu Pabesi Junuvähomo

Eto pasei na tempso kele ka mu papodraseri
Na mua kavero
Mu paasedri moltubetrukoro, xejdäanta pejo
Pamalujuhaväi mua malubego
Tu na kesei kelo, mu kemoltaseri
Mu kekaveri une lesi da vu
Mu kesei lesukavera pa vu
Vu paxejdäi mua simulakro

Mu pabesi junuvähomo j mu paxati tu
La jestuklelemo da vätua klejahaba Txapstiko
Mu pabesi junuvähomo une pa lesi da tu
Mu keesperi ka tu na kesei sera pa mua vökaranto
Tu pakori moltumalubetra
Tu pakori moltubetra
Tu na kekaveru parli ka mu kesei kubüanto eta nokt
Mu pabedi junuvähomo j mu paxati tu
Mu paxati tu

Na, mu na kearafäi ankau vua homuvorto
Tu na kesei sera
Tu kesei mua lesa igrato
Tu kesei une homusimulakro
Tu na kesei kelo, betra jajunuvähomo keaseri
Na kele vätuju keaseri betre
Mua simulakro keasedri moltukäoso
Malsimpa asei kelo jamalsamo parli

Mu pabesi junuvähomo j mu paxati tu
La jestuklelemo da vätua klejahaba Txapstiko
Mu pabesi junuvähomo une pa lesi da tu
Mu keesperi ka tu na kesei sera pa mua vökaranto
Tu pakori moltumalubetra
Tu pakori moltubetra
Tu na kekaveri parli ka mu kesei kubüanto eta nokt
Mu pabedi junuvähomo j mu paxati tu
Mu paxati tu

Muju jajunuvähomo muju kesei moltunaximäa
Malgüa kixo, kleja jamunho moltu besupodra
Malsimpa xejdäi moltu kixukorupodra
Moltubetra pa malubegi tu
Tu na kesei sera, tu kesei betra

Mu pabesi junuvähomo j mu paxati tu
La jestuklelemo da vätua klejahaba Txapstiko
Mu pabesi junuvähomo une pa lesi da tu
Mu keesperi ka tu na kesei sera pa mua vökaranto
Tu pakori moltumalubetra
Tu pakori moltubetra
Tu na kekaveri parli ka mu kesei kubüanto eta nokt
Mu pabedi junuvähomo j mu paxati tu
Mu paxati tu